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      04-22-2014, 01:01 AM   #98
Quiet Money
Private First Class

Drives: E92 Pre LCI 335i TiAg
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Brooklyn, NYC

iTrader: (0)

If a person had a root canal done by a dentist last year( few months ago) covered under insurance. Then recently found a new dentist after too many complaints pertaining to the tooth the root canal was done on. That dentist then referred the patient to an endodontist because in his opinion it was done wrong. Then the endodontist agreed that it was wrong and needed to be redone. My question is, is there anything the endodontist can do to prove or at least try and persuade the insurance company to pay for the procedure due to the circumstances? I am writing this in my phone please forgive me if it isn't clearly written. Thank you in advance.
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