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      03-28-2013, 10:45 AM   #9
BMW Individual Junkie.
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Drives: Mora E46, Tanzanite G20 M340i
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dallas, TX

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SMU Cox in Dallas, TX.

Thank you to those who replied. We def. realize it isn't the best survey, but we are trying to get some basic idea of what "car guys" 18-34 think, as well as what influences you when purchasing anti-freeze. We have used a variety of other sources (hard research, etc...) in addition to this forum, so we understand the implications of using replies from this particular audience. That being said, the instructor basically started off the class by saying, "the companies you are doing this for likely wont get much from this experience, and likely won't take any recommendations you make, but it is still a great way to understand how advertising campaigns are formed." Real inspiring.

At least we get to flex our creative muscles a bit.
Appreciate 0