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      06-07-2006, 07:27 PM   #6
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"unique" is a nice way to put it. Public beheadings, honor killings, Sharia law, Wahabbism, polygamy for men only, separate laws for Muslims and Non Muslims (kaffirs), teaching that THEIR religion is the only religion worth anything.... the list goes on.

I'm against uneccessary violence and this particular war, but I find very little admirable or respectable about their values and dynamics.

Originally Posted by thedean786
First of all let me begin by stating once and for all I'm not a Saudi, I'm an American who happens to be a Muslim hence the little flag at the botton of my profile.

Second, I'm not discounting the fact that our troops are getting killed by insurgents and that innocent people are dying. But that does not excuse our military or the powers behind them from the very laws they choose to vehemently defend and choose to propogate throughout the world.

How does it make our country look when on one had we shout to the world that the only solution for a "civilized" middle east is to have democracy and justice. Yet we choose not to follow the very ideology we would like to see established in that part of the world?

I support our troops and the right our nation to defend itself against tyranny and any other threat it may face. But I do not support having our troops being used as pawns in someone sick political agenda or being used to propogate a foreign policy that is weak at best and ignores the very dynamics and values that make the middle east a very unique part of the world.
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