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      04-04-2022, 12:12 PM   #6
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Drives: 135i
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Northern Virginia

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Originally Posted by HooDat View Post
I thought those sniffers were just to get a pass/renewal on the fly. If it fails, there's no harm, you just got to get it inspected yourself when the time comes.

Also anyone know of a mod friendly shop? Pre-covid i had a shop that would pass my car but they went out of business during the pandemic. tried going to another shop last year and they immediately failed me lol.
From what scant information I could muster, yeah it seems like the rapidpass sniffers can not issue tickets but if you keep getting frequent infractions you will be forced to rectify your car's emissions

" If you are considered a gross polluter after driving past an emissions station, you’ll be issued a Notice of Violation of Exhaust Emissions Standards for Remote Sensing (holy mouthful).

From the DMV website, “You have received a Notice of Violation (Notice) of Exhaust Emissions Standards for Remote Sensing from DEQ showing a determination by remote sensing equipment that your vehicle is emitting excessive pollution.

Within 30 days of the date of this Notice, your vehicle must have either passed an emissions inspection or received an emissions inspection waiver. If the vehicle is equipped with an on-board diagnostic (OBDII) system, the vehicle must pass both types of tests (OBDII and exhaust emissions). The first step in this process is to present the vehicle to an emissions inspection station for an emissions inspection “Confirmation Test.” This emissions inspection will determine if the vehicle is actually in need of emissions repair. The station may charge a fee for this test if the vehicle fails.

In order to meet the requirements of the Notice, the vehicle must pass the emissions inspection or receive an emissions inspection waiver within 30 days of the Notice. If you don’t meet this deadline, you may be required to pay the civil charge listed on the Notice.”
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