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      02-16-2023, 10:10 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
And that's your choice. Everyone has their risk tolerance. I have ridden on very busy streets and don't have a problem It just depends on the street. Would I do it on a multi lane highway with speed limits from 45 MPH on up?
Probably not. But for many streets I don't have an issue especially since I can maintain a speed of 28MPH for a decent duration.

This is the same argument made about motorcyclists. Maybe I'm a bit screwed up in the head as I've personally faced death twice which tends to screw you up a bit mentally. So my level of risk tolerance is higher than most.

But if everyone (cars, trucks, motorcyclists, cyclists) pays attention to what the hell they're doing on the roads, it wouldn't be so risky for everyone to share the same road.
risk tolerance is a different discussions... i think it comes down to common sense.

You are on a 20 lb device vs people in 3-4k lb devices... if u get hit, no matter what u lose.

The real problem is that NO ONE pays attention and that won't change... driver or biker... however, the driver will always win due to sheer mass. I drive every day and see so many bikers not even looking both ways when crossing... its insane

But again, this is more of a competition of size on the road... one which ur always poised to lose.
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